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Elk Factory, as an Elastic Premier Partner, can provide you with the correct advice in choosing the Elastic Subscription that best suits your needs.

As an Elastic Premier Partner, we offer a comprehensive range of premium services and solutions. Whether you are a medium-sized company or a large enterprise, we understand that managing and analyzing large amounts of data is crucial to your success.

Enjoy the benefits of an Elastic subscription, such as access to the latest features and updates, technical support, and the peace of mind of a reliable and scalable infrastructure.

Whether you are looking for an on-premises implementation, a cloud-based solution, or a hybrid environment, we can assist you in finding the right Elastic Stack solution that aligns with your business needs.

Contact us today and discover how our Elastic Stack subscription can help your organization derive value from your data, improve operational efficiency, and enhance your competitive advantage. We look forward to working with you as your trusted Elastic Premier Partner.

Free & Open

  • It is free and offers on-premises the core functionality of the Elastic Stack.
  • It includes the essential capabilities of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats.
  • You have access to basic features for search, indexing, visualization, and data collection.
  • Support is available through the Elastic community forums.

Basic / standard

  • The Basic or Standard subscription is competitively priced and offers the core functionality of the Elastic Stack, both on-premises and in the cloud.
  • It includes the essential capabilities of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats.
  • You have access to basic features for search, indexing, visualization, and data collection.
  • Support is available through the Elastic community forums.


  • The Platinum subscription is a paid subscription that offers advanced features and enhanced service levels.
  • It includes all the features of the Basic subscription and adds additional capabilities such as data security, advanced machine learning features, and high availability management.
  • You gain access to enhanced support with guaranteed response times, telephone support, and access to security patches and bug fixes.


  • The Enterprise subscription is the most comprehensive and tailor-made offering from Elastic.
  • It provides all the functionalities of the Platinum subscription and is designed for large enterprises with complex infrastructure and needs.
  • The Enterprise subscription offers additional capabilities such as custom Service Level Agreements (SLAs), dedicated account support, and customized training and consultancy.
  • You gain access to a dedicated team of Elastic experts for end-to-end support and personalized guidance.